ANTIDEMON Suffers Auto Theft Right Outside Metal Church in Brazil

Antidemon got their car stolen right outside of Crash Church Underground Ministry!. For those who do not know, this is the church that they run in Brazil. A fundraiser has been set up for them. The goal is at 19,000 Brazilian Reals (3,384 US $) it is now at $476 (2.675 Brazilian Reals)
If the Lord puts it on your heart, Please donate to them. 25 Years in music ministry. Numerous tours spreading the Gospel in many territories, only accepting costs to do so. Antonio Carlos Batista Do Nascimento is the real deal, friends. If you are able to and the Lord puts it on your heart, PLEASE help him.

(*Editor's Note: The news about this auto theft from the band comes to us from Antidemon's record label, Vision of God Records. We realize that the crowdfunding page is not in English. Please address any questions to Duane at