Today hard rock and heavy metal fans the world over are mourning the death of Eddie Van Halen. Known for being one of the world's...

OFF KILTER BLOG: Covidus Interruptus #1
Who knew that in the span of a month our entire world would change drastically? A plague sweeps the land, and the people cower in fear....

OFF KILTER BLOG: Resurrection Day!
Traditions when it comes to celebrating the holidays can bring back great memories, but they can also cloud important truths in...

METALLUM MEDICUS (Case#2) - The Collector's Obsession
I’m not exactly sure how this topic worked its way into my brain, but it is actually something I’ve been contemplating over and praying...

Happy Resurrection Day!
God created humankind with a free will, free to walk with Him or to turn to their own ways. Through our own sin, we've damned all of man....

OFF KILTER BLOG: Baptism of the Holy Ghost
My musical reference for today is The Elms "Speaking in Tongues" or the spirit-filled hardcore movement of the 90's because I'm returning...

OFF KILTER Blog: Death and Resurrection
It's been a difficult week at our household. A plumbing emergency left us with a hefty bill and an unholy smell emanating from the...

OFF KILTER BLOG: The Great Commission
Today's message is all about missions. What brought this to mind was a recent family argument. I have a degree in world missions, and I...

OFF KILTER: What is the Measure of Your Success?
The new year is a time to drink wine and make merry for many, but it is also the time of year when we as humans pause to take a sobering...

METALLUM MEDICUS (Case#1) - The Virtues of Christian Metal
The Case For Christian Metal 2016 marks the relaunch of Heaven's Metal Magazine. For the most part, this has been a rolling process which...