OFF KILTER BLOG: Resurrection Day!

Traditions when it comes to celebrating the holidays can bring back great memories, but they can also cloud important truths in unnecessary trappings and make us miss the whole boat (the same can be said for religion sometimes.) Let us peel back the layers and make it perfectly clear: We love heavy metal. But it is our language, not what we worship. We worship God- the maker of heaven and earth. He loved us so much that he gave us free will, longing for us to choose to love him back. But instead the human race chose sin and death. So God sent his only son Jesus to live on earth, and to die in our place, so that we could be free. But Jesus' death on a cross was only the beginning. You see, today is a celebration, because he rose from the dead. Somewhere there's a barren cross and an empty tomb. And because Jesus resurrected from death to life, you too can pass from sin and death to life, if you just make him your king.
Romans 10:9 TNIV "If you declare with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord, " and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved."