More Love More Power: Fundraiser for Skip Brooks' family

Thumper Punk Records is honored to release “More Love More Power: Fundraiser for Skip Brooks' family” which features six punked up hymns from ALL HAIL THE KING, the worship band from Rise Above Ministries, located in San Antonio, Texas. All proceeds from the sale of this album to go offset the medical and funeral expenses of our beloved Pastor Skip. All Hail the King features Jenni Brooks (vocals), Danny Naselli (drums), Matt Blow (vocals & guitar), Johnny Rodriguez (bass & vocals), and Damian Munoz (vocals & guitar). Track listing: 1. Holy of Holies 2. I Have Decided 3. I Run to You 4. I’m Holding On
5. In Your Presence 6. Move Love More Power Available for immediate digital download from: Photograph graciously contributed by Megan Elyse Lloyd. Layout by Sef Idle at Simpul Studio. Thumper Punk Records ( helps artists record, produce and distribute music that reflects a positive, Christ-centered message.
Update: Thank you for supporting the Brooks family by purchasing More Love More Power. Since announcing the project, I have learned additional information about the music, and am happy to have discovered TWO additional songs. The first seven songs were included on a CD that AHTK released at Cornerstone Festival 2008, which was called “Cornerstone Festival Limited Edition”. The last song “I Run to You” was not included on the CD, and is available exclusively through this release. The other bit of good news is that we now have a version of I’m Holding On that does not have a dead space in the track. We now present a fully updated release with the original track listing: 1. More Love More Power 2. Holy of Holies 3. In Your Presence 4. I'm Holding On 5. You Alone 6. I Have Decided 7. Song of Psalms 8. I Run to You
You can download the updated version here:
I want to give a special shout out to Lucas Walther and Jeremiah Ermenc for assisting with the tracks. Blessings, David @ TPR