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THE LEAD "Again" EP 12" Vinyl is almost here!

The time is high, the wait is nigh...

  • Resurrected Vinyl reports that the pressing plant has confirmed that the 12" vinyl AGAIN EPs will be pressed by the end of the month.

  • Micheal Jeske (aka Resurrected Vinyl), upon receipt, will stuff the disks into the bagged-handmade-signed-numbered sleeves we spent all spring putting together.

  • Then to you whom preordered.

  • (You preorderers know that we uploaded the vinyl masters into our Bandcamp as a private release, and we supplied you all with download codes for them.)

  • (...and we'll send you those codes to download the tracks.)


  • Heaven's Metal reviewed AGAIN and it's our favorite review of the bunch.

  • Every Fear Forgiven peaked at #5 in the CMW Loud chart back on April 4.

  • Nina teased out a lyric video of Heaven Is Waiting on her Instagram.

  • We were on Invasive Feelings Webradio on June 10 (thanks, Sergio)

  • We were on the Throne Room podcast on June 22

Next email will announce official vinyl release date. Watch for it!

Love and blessings, Julio (on behalf of Nina and Rob)

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