LIVING IN VICTORY Releases "Freeman" EP

Living In Victory releases its “Freeman” EP, a passionate and raucous four song eruption of old school punk and hardcore, over catchy grooves and searing guitar hooks. Building on the momentum from their acclaimed “Be The Change” full length debut, Los Angeles based Living In Victory (formerly known as LIV.) continues to address social issues of today’s youth, and life as an outsiders united through the hardcore scene. Hard-charging, emotional and urgent, Freeman stomps through traditional musical barriers to deliver a listener experience that earns constant replays.

Living In Victory features vocals from Matthew Salamante, Jason Diaz on bass, two new guitar players Jeremy Tudon and Christopher Pigao, and the indomitable Tony Esquivel on drums.
Track listing: 1. Freeman
2. United Stomp 3. SBS
4. Kingdom Come
Digital downloads are available through the OnTheAttack Records webstore ( and through iTunes and all major digital retailers.