Metal Bible Update

Hello my friends, thank you so much for supporting the Metal Bible! It is people like you that make it possible to continue distributing the Metal Bible all around the world.
In a few days the band Antidemon from Brazil will play in the Communist country Cuba!
They are forbidden to say anything about Jesus on the gigs, but they are allowed to give away Bibles, so they will give away Metal Bibles for free to those that want them.
Pray that the Metal Bibles will go to those that are open for Jesus. Pray that God will work through them and talk prophetically into their lives and use the Metal Bibles to lead many to Christ.
Pray for the gigs 23-25 February that God will speak through Antidemon's tunes and through the Metal Bibles and that many will get to know Jesus as a result! Pray also for protection for the band members and those that organize the gigs and tour.
Right now the Metal Bible is being translated into in Finnish, Greek, Italian, Norwegian and Filipino (to spread in the Phillipines as first country in Asia!).
Pray that God will inspire, protect and strengthen all the translators working with these languages and give them wisdom, so each edition will be all God wants them to be.
When this version is finally released it will be to a great blessing all around Brazil and Portugal! We have been working with it for years and there have been many setbacks during the way, but that is just
because the devil tries to stop it, cause he know that it will be a tool to lead thousands of Portugese speaking metalheads to Christ.
All texts are translated. Right now we will start working with putting the layout together. Then we will print. If anyone want to help with paying the printing costs that would also be greatly appreciated, since
We need 100 000 SEK before we can print. Keep praying that we will soon have it both funded and ready.
Last but not least there was a Metal Bible Festival in the Netherlands on the 11th February! It was a great success for the kingdom of God.
That is all for this time. Keep me and Roul especially in your prayers, that we will be open for God's will so we can lead this ministry on as God wants so that many metalheads in the end will find Christ as a result.
God bless & thanks for being a part of the Metal Bible ministry to lead metalheads all over the world to Christ1
In His Service
Johannes Jonsson
Initiator and Coordinator
The Metal Bible