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Brand New RED Song and Video "The War We Made" Drops Today

"The War We Made" - the newest single from our upcoming album DECLARATION!

DECLARATION, Delays & Postponements


Wow, what a couple of months! On the good side, we’ve had a blast rocking arenas in the USA, releasing our new single The War We Made (out tomorrow), and getting ready for new album DECLARATION (out April 10th). On the down side, there are some crazy things going on in the world, from global virus concerns, to wildfires affecting vinyl album production, to a massive tornado storm in our own middle Tennessee last week affecting major damage and loss of life.

Here’s a quick update on some of the impacts this is having on RED HQ:

WinterJam Dates

We’re excited to finish out the last couple weeks of the WinterJam Tour in the USA this month if possible but will obviously abide the decisions of the tour and in each state as to to public events. You can see the latest updates HERE.

***WJ UPDATE*** Unfortunately, the remaining WinterJam2020 Dates have been cancelled. Read their official statement HERE.

Euro Tour Postponed to Fall 2020

Out of respect to many of your requests, as well as those of numerous promoters and national governments, we will postpone our European tour dates previously scheduled 14 April through 10 May, 2020 to the Fall. Tentatively, the tour will now run 24 September through 19 October; we will have the new dates and information to you as soon as it’s available. All existing tickets and VIP passes will be honored and we will even look to add in a few additional requested dates (France, Poland, looking at you!).

Russia/Ukraine Being Closely Monitored

At this point we are still hoping to play the Russian and Ukrainian dates in May as planned, as those territories have thankfully been less impacted and our partners feel confident that the experience for all the fans wanting to come will be safe and enjoyable! We will keep you posted on any changes there and will take this day by day.


Finally, we will have a slight production delay on the vinyl and deluxe edition of the DECLARATION preorder, with shipping now expected to be by April 29th. All orders will still receive their digital download on time and, to help make up for the delay, we’re going to toss that out at least 24 hours before it hits Spotify, AppleMusic et al so you’ll hear the album first. This does mean we can continue to offer the Deluxe pre-order bundle through the 1st of April rather than ending it this week as previously planned.

As always, thank you for your support and understanding with all these things beyond our control. We can’t wait for you to hear this new album and play it for you around the world!

Hang tough,


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