DABSTER GENTLEMEN Prepare to Release New Single

Following the success of our debut album “Death or Life” and Christmas Single “All Roads Lead Home” we wanted to explore music both in the fashion of old Hymnals, but with a Dabster Gentlemen flavor.
This led Myles Barfield and Dale Thompson, the founding members to write three full albums dedicated to this style, the first song we are releasing is the single “The King of Kings” releasing February 2020! This is a little taste of what is to come on what will begin on our third album.
The King of Kings The King of Kings is a song written both with a deep reverence for our creator, as well as a respect for the way the old hymnals were written.
While we do love much of the praise and worship released today, we wanted to do something that harkened back to more than simply repeating the same lines over and over again. We wanted to do more than talk about how our savior Jesus Christ makes us feel. But instead speak only of God within the songs; to give Him all Glory and Praise.
Opening our Bibles we were taken to Revelation 4, and immediately imagined what it will be like to stand before God on that first day of eternity. This brought us to truly praise God while thinking of His Glory, His majesty and His pure power. To paint an even bigger picture we looked to Genesis 1, while reflecting on who it is we worship, on what He has done and how unimaginable His plan truly is.
It is our hope and prayer you will not only listen, but your voice will join ours in adoration. We pray you hear more than a song, more than a simple piece of music. Join us in worship of Him whom we serve, and reflect with us as we fall to our knees with tear filled eyes, meditat-ing on how Glorious our Savior is; on what He saved us from, despite our rebellious nature.
No stranger to the music scene, vocalist Dale Thompson, has won four Dove Awards from the Gospel Music Association. He has also been writing and recording professionally since the early 1980’s.
Now joined by Myles Barfield and Skipp Phipps, the trio have set out to explore music in its differing styles, yet also work to keep it unified under the Dabster Gentlemen Banner. The group hopes to show that music, though different in styles, can be one voice.