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AMERICAN ARSON Joins the Facedown Family

We are very excited to introduce you to American Arson and their brand new EP "Rise & Fall", out today on iTunes, Spotify, Amazon and everywhere else music is sold and streamed.

Employing on-the-fly vocal and instrumental looping alongside multi-amp stacking, American Arson creates a massive, driving rock sound with just two performers. Punctuated by raw, razor-throated vocals and drop-tuned, buzzsaw guitars, American Arson is rock n' roll the way it was meant to be played: loud, fast, and brutally honest. Check them out on Facebook, Instagram and

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Heaven's Metal Magazine Presents: White Throne Radio
Heaven's Metal

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Rock Stars on God, V.2, Retroactive Records & Roxx Records, Thurane, Messenger, Peter Carlsohn and Mike Botello. Check these things out.

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