RITUAL SERVANT Debut Album Releases Today
Ritual Servant - Metallum Evangelii
Have you been longing for some true old school thrash in the vein of Slayer or early Metallica? Have you wanted to hear that with Christ centered lyrics? The time has come and Ritual Servant's debut album is out today!
The band has described their music as Scripture based - Christ Exalted - Metal Gospel. This bands sole purpose is to spread God's word through music and reach as many people as possible giving all the glory to God. We are very happy to be a part of this release and are ready for the world to receive it. Check out the single Seven Trumpets below:
Today is the day, get your digital copy where ever digital music is sold our pick up your copy of the limited edition physical CD at Amazon, eBay, Roxx Records and many other distribution outlets. Visit www.roxxproductions.com for more details