Thumper Punk Records Turns 10 (Digital Release)
Thumper Punk Records is stoked to announce the digital release of its “Thumper Punk Records Turns 10” release, featuring new recordings form False Idle, ABSOLVED, The Hoax, and a never before released live recording of a new song from The WAY, an a live acoustic classic from The King's Kids. Previously available only as a flexi disc, this release commemorates the 10 year anniversary of the start of Thumper Punk Records, and includes songs from the first 5 bands that signed to the label. Track listing:
1. False Idle - Turn the Page
3. The Hoax - My Mom Thinks I'm Cool
4. The WAY - Harry's Song
5. The Kings Kids - The Upright Stand
Available from iTunes, Spotify, and for $3 from the TPR Bandcamp site: Post production processing and artwork by Sef Idle at Simpul Studio, Boise, Idaho.

Thumper Punk Records ( helps artists record, produce and distribute music that reflects a positive, Christ-centered message.