The latest album by the ferociously intense metalcore band mychildren mybride, Vicious World, was released on Friday the 13th. But that didn't scare these guys.
Matthew Hasting and Robert Bloomfield laughed at the idea of being spooked by the timing. "Do you think that was coincidence?" they winked. "It was all carefully planned and executed." It should come as no surprise, as the precise and complex music they create is no less thoughtful. While they were at home trying to plan their stage show, they sat down and answered some questions.
"We embrace the creepy!" they laughed. This makes perfect sense - especially considering their video, “XeN0, " which is almost an homage to creepy vampire horror films.
“The Swedish horror film, ‘Let the Right One In,’ is one of my favorite films of all time,” gushes Hasting. “I’m a huge fan of the horror genre. I decided to write about it lyrically and was really stoked when we found out we would get to make a music video for the song. Ideally it would have been amazing to re-create most of the movie in our own way, but budget and time didnʼt allow us to do that. So we did our best to bring as much brutality as we could in the time we had. There can never be enough blood.”
“I personally think a lot of vampire stories are weak,” Bloomfield said. “So when this idea came about I had a feeling it was going to be either ‘Let The Right One In’ or ’30 Days of Night’ – two of the best Vampire stories in my opinion.”
Anyone who’s heard the early music of mychildren mybride knew they had a brand new musical friend to add to their regular musical diet. Today their music is still primarily fast and heavy, but there’s more.
“Back then it was all about fast and heavy,” Bloomfield said. “These days we put a lot of thought into each song. We want to create a vibe for each individual song but also somehow create some continuity with the album as a whole.”
“Our debut album came out a long time ago,” Hasting said. “I donʼt think it’s very different, honestly. Weʼre still creating heavy music, in a sound that we love. Just like we were during Unbreakable.”
While the band has continued to grow, the scene around them can’t exactly say the same thing.
“For the most part itʼs stagnant,” the pair says of the current metal scene. “This is why we took such a long break from it. There are a lot of bands that are killing it and pushing the limits. But these days too many bands are comfortable with what works. Weʼre back because we feel that weʼve created something new and refreshing.”
When asked about the diminished so-called scene when it comes to tagging a market as “Christian,” the pair cringes a little bit.
“This is a touchy subject,” they agree. “There was definitely a wave of Christian bands coming out in the 2000s. Most are great and actually very influential to us. But there are many bands opposite of that, that we are very much influenced by. I feel with putting a label on anything it limits you to an audience. Thereʼs no limits with music. Itʼs about feeling something – whatever that may be.”
The band has felt comfortable playing wherever they have been booked, whether that be in the aforementioned Christian scene, like loading their gear into a church or a dive bar in the seedy side of town.
“I feel welcome with any venue/promoter that books the band,” Bloomfield said. “Weʼre grateful to be playing anywhere. Thereʼs a level of professionalism that should be present at any venue – secular or Sacred.
“Weʼve been treated better at some bars, then we have at some churches,” Hasting commented. “I say, ‘Treat others as you would want to be treated!’”
I asked the band a variation of “the Jesus question” that was a staple query in many mainstream interviews in the pages of Heaven’s Metal/HM Magazine over the years – What do you like about Jesus? What compels you to hold onto faith in Him in a dark world?
“I think now, more than ever, is an extremely important time to find something real, and hold onto it,” Hasting said. “To express love to everyone, no matter what they look like or act like. No matter what theyʼve done to you, or havenʼt done. I think Jesus showed us a great example of how we should be acting, and I think a lot of people who promote his name, arenʼt following in his footsteps.”
It’s now 2018. What do you think is going on today? Any ideas on terrorism? Natural disasters? Crime?
“The world is a crazy place,” Bloomfield said. “It obviously tears my heart out when I hear these stories about terror or even natural disasters. We feel the pain and anger. The best thing we can do is be accepting and giving. Do whatever you can to help. Any donation helps no matter how small. Even sending old clothes or blankets or canned food to these places that suffer from hurricanes or earthquakes. It might seem like nothing to you, but it means the world to these people.
Youʼve dabbled in other genres. What do you like about other music scenes thatyouʼve touched on? Who inspires you?
“Hip Hop is a big one,” they both say at the same time. “Itʼs risen to the top over the years, but it continues to have something to say. The EDM scene also has a great community. The best thing about these two are that theyʼre so progressive. We should always be pushing forward.”
How did it feel waiting five years since your last release? How did you cope? What ate at you (if anything)?
“It feels good to take a step back,” Bloomfield said. “Sometimes you need to collect your thoughts and come back with a game plan. Itʼs tough seeing all your tour friends out playing shows doing the one thing that you love to do, but we knew it was only a matter of time until we were going to be back on a stage.”
“It was really hard for me personally,” Hasting said. “It was almost like a purgatory… but it’s something I think all bands ultimately go through. Do I commit to a real job? Do we settle down and start a normal life? Or do we continue to pursue something that’s been a passion for so long. For me, the answer was somewhere in the middle. I’m really excited everything is starting back up again!”
Tell us about the new album, Vicious World. If you are willing, touch on each song,sharing thoughts about writing it – the music, the lyrics – recording it or stories about each song. If you want to skip a song or two, go ahead, but if you have time to comment on each, please do.
“Vicious World is the album weʼve been wanting to create for years,” Bloomfield said. “It let me find my identity musically. When I started sending Matthew these songs, we both instantly knew this would be a special album.”
“Tracks 2, 4, 6 and 9 (titled like Acts in a play) are all a single story spanning across four different songs,” Hasting explained. “I wanted to challenge myself lyrically to write in a way I had never really done before. Tracks 1, 5, 11 and 12 (“ZeNO,” “The Acrobat,” “I.O.U.N.” and “Guardian XIII”) are about specific characters and stories that inspire me. Those songs and the characters they represent are all about overcoming adversity, when all hope seemed lost. Track 3 (“Thorns”) is about the over religious people that condemn and hate, rather than support and love. Track 8 (“CICVDVS”) is a beacon of hope, and a message that our world desperately needs right now.
Which songs stick out to you? Why? Ones you enjoy playing live more than others?
“’Guardian XIII’ is one of my favorites,” Bloomfield said. “That song takes you on a journey. Itʼs delicate at the perfect moments and insanely heavy during others. I think ‘XeN0’ best describes the album as a whole. ‘CICVDVS’ is a great song to bring people together. Especially during these times we face in our country. Itʼs important to remember we are all in this together.”
“I love ‘Act II: Sonar’ and ‘I.O.U.N.’” Hasting gushed.
Tell me about lineup changes. Why? Howʼd that go? How you found replacements?
“Lineup changes are going to happen with really any band that makes it10-plus years,” Bloomfield said. “We werenʼt concerned with it too much. Matthew and I have been here during the writing process of every major release. He and I knew what we wanted to create and when it came time to sit and write songs I just started going. I didnʼt want to have to call everyone and get flights booked just to get together and write music. I just started writing, and didnʼt stop til I had nearly 20-25 songs.”
“I wholeheartedly believe each and every person that has been a member of this band, was there for a purpose,” Hasting explained. “When that purpose was fulfilled we parted ways. No hard feelings at all, we all still keep in touch.”
I laughed when asking the following question, but I couldn’t help myself:Tips on spacers, piercing and/or tattoos?
“Rule #1,” they both said: “A good tattoo isnʼt cheap and a cheap tattoo isnʼt good.”
Great books read recently? Movies? Games?
“Iʼve been currently been reading On the Road and Big Sur,” Bloomfield said. “I throw some educational stuff as well. Salt, Sugar and Fat is a great read. The Lessons of History and The Selfish Gene are great as well.”
“Destiny 2 just came out,” Hasting said. “Between the original, and this new release, Iʼve spent a shameful amount of time holding a controller and yelling at people on the screen. The game even inspired one of our new songs – “Guardian XIII.”
How important is music history to you? Why?
“We think itʼs important to educate yourself about any industry you fancy,” they haromonize. “Both on the musical side as well as the business side. Thereʼs so much music out there that you can literally still be waiting to find your favorite band.”
What other bands would you like to tour with?
“Iʼd love to tour with Tool or Deftones,” Bloomfield said. “Those bands are some of the greatest. Iʼd love to sit down and pick their brains and exchange riffs and thoughts.”
“Rob Zombie,” Hasting said. “Heʼs an incredible artist that spans music, film and traditional art. Definitely an inspiration.”
Who have been some of your favorite touring bands that youʼve shared bills with?
“Stick To Your Guns has been a band weʼve come up with over the years,” Bloomfield said.“Impending Doom, also. Suicide Silence is probably my favorite to tour with. R.I.P. Mitchy” (makes kiss emoticon)
“There’s too many to name for me,” Hasting said. “I really love so many of the people weʼve shared the stage with, and continue to keep in touch with a good chunk of them!”
Whatʼs your take on technology and how it pertains to running your music business, making and recording music, or other related things you do?
“Tech has made it easier for bands,” both of them answer. “I can still remember printing out mapquest directions for touring. Social media has been the biggest tool for bands. Itʼs a game changer. You can sign a deal and your first show can sell out if you play your social media cards right. Although tech has made it easier for people to steal music. But that’s the business. You have to shift and pivot or you get left behind.”