The idea is sound. Both Guardian and Whitecross enjoyed popularity in the 80's and 90's. Some of the members would like to gig out, while others are no longer interested in hitting the road. So why not combine those willing members into one super-group and play from the repertoire of both bands? And thus this project, consisting of Jamie Rowe (G/ Tempest/ Adrian Gale) on vocals), Rex Carroll (WC/ King James/ Rex Carroll Band) on the axe, David Bach (G) on bass, and Michael Feighan (WC) on the skins, was born.
First of all, these reworked hits work. Jamie Rowe is not Scott Wenzel, but his raspy bluesy voice works for the Whitecross songs, and Rex Carroll is still the axemaster he always was, and probably would have no problem playing anyone else's songs. Song choices are where the fights are going to start. The band recorded only 7 songs, so what are the odds they decided to play the songs you want to hear most? Slim at best.
The first two Whitecross albums are classics, so "Enough is Enough" and "Top of the World" are easy choices and pulled off well, although "Enough is Enough" is marred by the incessant ringing of a cowbell by Mr. Bach (Dave, put down the cowbell and nobody has to get hurt :) "In the Kingdom" was popular for the band, but by now they had morphed into Petra and lost much of the edge and Ratt-inspired angst that the first couple albums had.
In much the same way, Guardian's first two albums are their best. "The Rain" is an easy choice. "Power of Love" could have been another. Then we get two versions of the Bon Jovi-ish ballad "Never Say Goodbye"- one in English and one in Spanish. Not a fan of ballads, but the Spanish version makes sense, given the Guardian boys' popularity south of the border.
Final choice is a little Jimi Hendrix with "Spanish Castle Magic." So Revival is a short teaser, and only offers a glimpse into the possibilities that this group could offer, but if they put out an album of 20 songs, would you bother going to see them live? (indie) 3 out of 5 stars