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Spirit and the Bride — DRY BONES

Spirit and the Bride is a Cincinnati, Ohio based hardcore band that formed in 2010. Dry Bones is the 2nd CD from the band, whose style hearkens back to the spirit-filled hardcore movement of the 90's. The cover is a cool looking hand drawn illustration of the Dry Bones passage in Ezekiel. The band seems credible enough on their instruments, the lyrics are scriptural and the message vital, but the vocal delivery leaves something to be desired- perhaps melody. The singer shouts the lyrics in the same tone the whole album and even a pair of guest appearances does little to relieve the tension. Only on the last song "Perseverance" does the listener get some variation from the singer. I have hope — most singers take time to find their own style or voice give Spirit and the Bride time to find theirs. (On The Attack Records) 2.5 out of 5 stars

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