Vision of God Records Indiegogo Fundraiser
Hello Brothers and Sisters!

Thank you for stopping by and having a look at the very 1st official Vision of God Records Fundraiser!
Please have a look at our videos for the full Vision of everything in this ministry.
We are a non profit Christian Metal Ministry. We know as believers that word of God proceeds itself. And as we are to make a joyful noise unto our God. :)
We know that in mainstream metal music the themes and lyrical structures are of evil or pagan in nature.
Many of these metal heads will never step into a church or hear the word of God. Hearing the word of GOD thru extreme metal music may be the only way they may ever be touched by our father. As well as to be the food for those who are saved and desire to listen to metal!
We love God and we love metal! We have been given the Vision to do this ministry. We have done this ministry up to 16 releases at this point.
To this point the ministry had been entirely solely funded by 1 individual (just a everyday man, with a unknown illness and 5 children). Asking for pre orders to help round up the finances for releases.
Now faced with a entirely different situation. Some great some not so great. We need to come to our Brothers and Sisters to ask for financial funding on a large scale for the 1st time.
We are not asking for handouts, although donations to our paypal are accepted as well
Prayers requests can also be sent to this same email.
We ask that you consider a support purchase or a pre-order item for you or the metalhead in your life.
Many great perks available
Please help us continue to plant God's seed throughout the world.