SLAVES WAGE- Heaven or Hell
If you are a fan of classic metal, you need to check out these underdogs from Arlington, Texas. Slaves Wage has been honing its craft...

Classic heavy metal/hard rock fanatics can rejoice with the latest release by Atkins May Project. Entitled The Final Cut, this driving...

WORLDVIEW Takes in Stray BARREN CROSS, HOLY SOLDIER Members for Album #2
Worldview 2019- Photos by Erik Jay and David Priest WORLDVIEW Live at the Whiskey with Stryper Oct. 10, 2019 Come see the exciting new...

In late 2018 Roxx Records silently dropped a beast of a melodic metal hard rock album by Through the Clouds. Not familiar you say? It...

Brazilian Melodic Metal Kings SUNROAD to Release New Album 4/13/19
Brazilian hard rockers Sunroad are back with their 8th full length studio album. Roxx Records are excited to be bringing you the US...

Primal is an LA band that may be of interest to our readers due to the involvement of Vengeance/ Deliverance shredder Glenn Rogers. They...

PHILADELPHIA - Search & Destroy
2019 CD/LP Reissue 1985. Philadelphia. It’s hard to believe Search & Destroy is almost 35 years old. I suspect for some of the early fans...

PHILADELPHIA Reissues Announced
Roxx Records is very excited to announce our next and very special Limited Edition pressings this time coming from classic Christian...

The PEACEMAKER and the Zombie Sheriff
Those familiar with Heaven's Metal magazine over the decades know we've never been content to sit in our church pew and not interact with...

THROUGH THE CLOUDS to Release Debut Album
Through The Clouds to release debut album 'Blinded Minds' via Roxx Records Roxx Records is pleased to bring you a brand new traditional...