ATTEST- Proceeding the Path of Forlorn Afflictions
This delightfully bleak EP was released late last year, but flew under the radar. For those who don’t know, Attest is a side project of...

A Pair of New Lyric Videos From DAWNBREAKER and ARBITER
Some War Metal for the Warriors! Dawnbreaker- New World Crusade Get the cd here: . Digital here: also on a few major sites! VIDEO BY:...

Shut-in Sale Promo Codes — free CDs! Some overstock item will be on sale to get our stock room back to 1 room (Currently in 3 rooms) See...

IRGALOM- Meditate I and Meditate II
Irgalom is a one man extreme metal artist hailing from Budapest, Hungary. The studio band/ project was born in 2016 and has been quite...

Bombworks to Release ANTESTOR and A HILL TO DIE UPON on Vinyl
Before the end of 2019, Bombworks Records will be releasing these classic extreme metal titles on VINYL (limited edition / 200 units):...

IRGALOM Unleashes A New Installment of Their Unique Brand of Extreme Worship Metal
Coming this Friday 9/20!! Irgalom Meditate vol 2 One of the best releases of this year! Will be on 65+ Digital/Streaming sites....

DAWNBREAKER's Debut on Vision of God Records Drops 9-20-2019
A Brand New DAWNBREAKER!!! Superb writing on this release! Crushing, Black Metal! with a touch of War Metal and LOTS of Atmosphere! ...

Brazil's CEREMONIAL SACRED Releases Lyric Video for New Single
Brazilian black metal band Cerimonial Sacred has released a new single for FREE download. The song is taken from their upcoming new...

HOLY BLOOD: Praise the Lord and Pass the Ammo
Today Ukraine boasts several extreme Christian metal bands, and most of their musicians have either been influenced by or played in Holy...

SINCE THE DEATH and TEMPLE OF PERDITION Available Digitally 5/13 and Physically 5/18
2 SUPERB SLABS OF BLACK METAL RELEASING DIGITALLY 5.13.19 ON 65+ sites! Both Physical CDs Release on 5.18.19!!! #SincetheDeathSweden...