IRGALOM- Meditate I and Meditate II
Irgalom is a one man extreme metal artist hailing from Budapest, Hungary. The studio band/ project was born in 2016 and has been quite...

Brazil's CEREMONIAL SACRED Releases Lyric Video for New Single
Brazilian black metal band Cerimonial Sacred has released a new single for FREE download. The song is taken from their upcoming new...

From the Frost Like Ashes camp: I just wanted to take the time to let you know that Frost Like Ashes has decided to record a new album. I...

New IRGALOM Releases Coming Soon On Christian Metal Underground Records
AUTUMN PSALMS Part 1 of 3 in a concept series Autumn Psalms is the 1st! Black/Unblack Metal Praise! This is a deep praise series A...

ALSTADT- Climes of Northern Sorrow
Alstadt is a one man unblack metal band from Canada. Its single member, Coal, founded the band in 2016 , releasing Rest These Woods in...

Elgibbor and Cerimonial Sacred - Vinyl Fundraiser
Death Metal vinyl fans rejoice as Vision of God Records is fundraising, via pre-orders, for some upcoming vinyl release. This is actually...