New IRGALOM Releases Coming Soon On Christian Metal Underground Records
AUTUMN PSALMS Part 1 of 3 in a concept series Autumn Psalms is the 1st! Black/Unblack Metal Praise! This is a deep praise series A...

ALSTADT- Climes of Northern Sorrow
Alstadt is a one man unblack metal band from Canada. Its single member, Coal, founded the band in 2016 , releasing Rest These Woods in...

SYMPHONY OF HEAVEN - The Season of Death
Symphony of Heaven is a one man symphonic death metal band, aka Logan Thompson of Indiana, which formed, did some songs on compilations,...

DEMONICIDUTH: The Enemy of My Enemy Is My Friend
If the 90's death metal scene was 2D in nature, with a plethora of Cannibal Corpse caricature type bands spouting violence, the new...