RED SEA 'Blood' 25th Anniversary Reissue Announced
Red Sea 'Blood' 25th Anniversary Roxx Records is bringing you another long lost Christian Metal classic that has been out of print for...
EMERALD- Armed for Battle (Reissue)
Emerald, along with the band Apostle, has the distinction of being one of the most talented Christian metal bands of the golden era that...
ONCE DEAD, Featuring Band Members from VENGEANCE RISING, HAND OF FIRE, and PRECIOUS DEATH, Back in t
Once Dead is scheduled for the recording studio in late October of this year. Jim Settle (Hand of Fire) on vocals and Roger Sampson...
Reissues: Vengeance Rising, Holy Soldier, Minier
Of the making of many reissues, there is no end...thankfully. I want to give a quick review and rundown of three recent reissues in one...
Bill Roxx Gives a Wrapup of the Dale Huffman Tribute from Last Weekend's SoCal Metal Fest
Well SoCal Metal Fest 2 was a success, music, fun, fellowship and remembrance of our dear friend Dale Huffman. We debuted the new...
This Awesome SoCal Metal Fest Lineup is Only One Day Away!
#Saint #HandofFire #Biogenesis #Worldview #TheHero #NeonCross #DieHappy #Vengeance #Recon #DOG #SacrivoxProductions
Christian Metal Super Group debuts new album this August
How about some killer Christian Metal in the vein of Metallica or Motorhead? If that sounds like it's something up your alley you’re...
Reissue of Vengeance Rising's Human Sacrifice on 30th Anniversary of the Band's Founding
It was 30 years ago in 1987 when Pastor Bob Beeman of Sanctuary International would be led to call together a very special group of...
SoCal Metal Fest 2 – The largest ALL Christian Metal Festival in 2017-On 8-12-17
Sacrivox Productions is very proud to present the largest all Christian Metal Festival in the US this year as they bring to you ‘So Cal...