Frosthardr hails from Norway, and have been punching out devastatingly harsh black metal with a decidedly punk pedigree since 1997. The...

It's Coming! A New Black Metal CD From Sweden's SKALD IN VEUM in April
Nordic Mission and Rottweiler Records presents Swedish furious black metal kings Skald In Veum's long awaited sophomore release,...

New PROCLAMUS Death Metal and ANIMA MORTUUM Black Metal CDs Out Now
#Proclamus #Brazil #deathmetal #Suffocation #CannibalCorpse #MalevolentCreation #Monstrosity #VisionofGodRecords #AnimaMortuum...

Zvi Tacussis' ANIMA MORTUUM to Release New CD 'Goat Destruction' on Christian Metal Unde
Anima Mortuum - Goat Destruction CD Lyric Video Preview Zvi Tacussis of BLACK LEATHER, DIAMOTH fame returns for a new ANIMA MORTUUM...

Zvi Tacussis is a man for whom making music is as natural as breathing air. And the doctor of psych is not content with satisfying his...

Nokternal Hemizphear Reveals the Album Cover for Black Leather's New CD- The New Liberty
Black Leather "The New Liberty" Long overdue, we are finally ready to share with you the old school, 80’s-style cover art for Black...