TOURNIQUET - Gazing at Music
HM Magazine veteran Lee Haley had a chance to catch up with Tourniquet's Ted Kirkpatrick about the long-awaited new album. Here's their...
DEMON HUNTER: Making War with Peace
Music has certainly been marginalized by all of the changes that came with the digital revolution. At least according to anyone who was acti
GRAVE DECAY: Death Metal's Gentleman's Agreement
Grave Decay is a relatively new band hailing from The Netherlands, but made up of two guys that have racked up some miles in various...
The Sacred Musings of a Warrior
Singers are not a dime-a-dozen. When you discover a special one, like Rey Parra, you pay attention. It's to our benefit that he's still...
LUKE EASTER: Exploding with Pop
Luke Easter is one of those rare people. He moved from California to Austin, Texas. That's not rare. In fact, it probably happens about...
GLASS HAMMER: For Now We See (Through) the Glass Hammer But Darkly
Band photo credit: Julie Babb; Steve Babb photo credit: Brian Tirpak IMAGINARY PROG ROCK BANDS AND TIME TRAVEL. No, it's not the latest...
The PEACEMAKER and the Zombie Sheriff
Those familiar with Heaven's Metal magazine over the decades know we've never been content to sit in our church pew and not interact with...
BRIDE Rolls the Snake Eyes (and the Crowd Goes Wild!)
Bride is back. Read on as Chris Gatto uncovers the how and the why.
Vengeance Rising: Looking Back at 30
Among the several claims made about the musical universe, one of those that almost finds no rebuttal is that the magical '80s were the...
Jimmy P. Brown Is Eraserhead!
The latest solo project from Jimmy P. Brown II.